ECSA participates in the Middle Atlantic Midget Championships each year along with seven other YRAs/SAs (Yacht Racing Associations/Sailing Associations). The YRAs/SAs take turns hosting the regatta on a rotating schedule:

In 2024 teh Championship will be hosted by Hampton Yacht Club in Hmpton Virginia. The NOR is posted on The Club Spot.

Each Association may enter two boats in each of the single handed (Optimist) and double handed (Club 420 with spinnaker and trapeze) classes. These eliminations are open to all ECSA Midgets, with no restriction as to one per club. Since 2014 the age rstriction for this event has been:

Optimist Sailors": Cannot turn 15 in the calendar year of the event

420 Sailors: Cannot turn 16 in the clendar year of the event

The NOR for the event published by the host is the final arbitor of age limits for the event.

In 2024 the top two age qualified saiors/teams based on ECSA Junior season points as of Jul 31st will be offered the oppertunity to represent ECSA. If any are unable to participate, we will offer the position to the next highest finishing sailor(s).

Previous Host RSAs:

2016 Chesapeake Bay YRA

2017 Eastern Connecticut SA

2018 Eastern Long Island SA

2019 YRA of Long Island Sound

2020 Middle Atlantic YRA

2021 Great South Bay YRA

2022 North Jersey YRA

2023 Barnegat Bay YRA